This extension is part of the Sinatra::Contrib project. Run gem install sinatra-contrib to have it available.


<b>DEPRECATED:<b> Please consider using an alternative like rerun or rack-unreloader instead.

Extension to reload modified files. Useful during development, since it will automatically require files defining routes, filters, error handlers and inline templates, with every incoming request, but only if they have been updated.


Classic Application

To enable the reloader in a classic application all you need to do is require it:

require "sinatra"
require "sinatra/reloader" if development?

# Your classic application code goes here...

Modular Application

To enable the reloader in a modular application all you need to do is require it, and then, register it:

require "sinatra/base"
require "sinatra/reloader"

class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
  configure :development do
    register Sinatra::Reloader

  # Your modular application code goes here...

Using the Reloader in Other Environments

By default, the reloader is only enabled for the development environment. Similar to registering the reloader in a modular application, a classic application requires manually enabling the extension for it to be available in a non-development environment.

require "sinatra"
require "sinatra/reloader"

configure :production do
  enable :reloader

Changing the Reloading Policy

You can refine the reloading policy with also_reload and dont_reload, to customize which files should, and should not, be reloaded, respectively. You can also use after_reload to execute a block after any file being reloaded.

Classic Application

Simply call the methods:

require "sinatra"
require "sinatra/reloader" if development?

also_reload '/path/to/some/file'
dont_reload '/path/to/other/file'
after_reload do
  puts 'reloaded'

# Your classic application code goes here...

Modular Application

Call the methods inside the configure block:

require "sinatra/base"
require "sinatra/reloader"

class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
  configure :development do
    register Sinatra::Reloader
    also_reload '/path/to/some/file'
    dont_reload '/path/to/other/file'
    after_reload do
      puts 'reloaded'

  # Your modular application code goes here...